What Features are Included in a Commercial Property Inspection?

A commercial inspection is deemed necessary to maintain the original condition. When performed frequently over the year, these inspections can save the property owner from many factors that could devalue the real estate. A commercial property inspector identifies any repair needs that could lead to foundation damage. Avoiding regular inspections can cost property owners thousands of dollars in maintenance expenses, and choosing a dependable commercial inspection company in Atlanta can make all the difference. Here are the features of a property inspected during a commercial inspection.



Pool Inspection: What Home Inspectors Check For

When planning to purchase a property, having it professionally inspected is critical. However, if the home has a swimming pool, it’s crucial to check its safety. Examining the pool will help you understand all its features and allow you to make an informed purchase decision.

If left unexamined, easy-to-detect issues may be more costly to repair. Here’s all you need to know about pool inspection and what home inspectors check for.



Home Inspection Checklist: What to Expect on Inspection Day

A home inspection is an opportunity for the buyer to identify problems in the house before sealing the deal. On the other hand, it provides a chance for sellers to deal with those problems and negotiate the price.

The home inspection is essential during both, home buying and selling process. A licensed professional will thoroughly review the home to detect the underlying issues, from structural damage to electrical or plumbing problems. Most lenders require this type of inspection as it ensures adding transparency to home sales.
